Saturday, July 28, 2007

人比鬼还要恐怖。ALONE the movie.

Watched 'ALONE' today... sure is scary. Typical Thai scary movie. But the movie will send you thinking. A very real and true thing. 其实,人比鬼还要恐怖。是应为人的罪孽,往生者才会回来让事实的真相水落石出。

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Work! Work!!.. want money, got to work.

Started work at Singapore Pools on Monday up till 31st August.. Can only say I cannot bet on soccer now as stated in the contract. What we do in there is very much confidential so I cannot say much. Hahaha.. feels important liddat.

But it did not help with me getting sick over the weekend and carries over till now. Cough, running nose, flu.. etc.. irritating feeling.

Due to alot of stuff to see to, there goes my weekend for the next 2 weeks.

Die Harder... Hardest.. More of Maggie Q please Hollywood.

Went towatch DIE HARD 4.0 during the weekend with my family.. got to say it is the classic no-brainer all action pack movie when the hero can kill everybody else. For those who enjoy action without thinking too much.
With DIE HARD.. Who is Jack Bauer? Yippie-kia-Yay!!.. hahaha.And for some bonus.. Maggie Q is HOT HOT HOT!!!.. hahaha.. the badass here.. but what an ass. Too bad her character dies a horrible death. But while she lasted in the movie, enjoy.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

TRANSFORMERS... More than meets the eyes.

Great Movie!!.. what can I say? Went for the premier gala at The Cathay. Wonderful atmosphere, great sound system and of course I watched the digital version. Won't be doing the Transformers justice if I watched the ordinary one won't I?

For all those who doesn't know, they signed a contract to have 2 more productions. So all Transformers Fanatic out there... we will wait. AUTOBOTS... ROLL OUT!!.